Hello everyone.
So not much of an exciting post today, well... it is for me, but I just wanted to share some news with the people who read my blog and especially to those who liked to see my vlogs (video blogs) when I was travelling in Japan. If you haven't seen those, you can see them here.
At the beginning of the semester I applied for a job (for lack of a better word) in south Korea teaching English through the TaLK program. When I applied I kind of did it more with the thought that, if I didn't do it, I might be missing out on an opportunity. I really didn't expect to be selected for the job at all really, but I know the importance of just trying things no matter what you may think might happen. (some people REALLY need to learn this lesson...) In the back of my mind I told myself I was probably not the most outstanding candidate on paper. I know that whatever I want to do, I can perform with the best no matter what, and that's not false bravado or bargain bin self-help book teaching. I really believe that anyone can perform with the best if they want to in anything they do. Not just myself. But how do you convince a stranger of that who is across the globe? Anyways I digress.
After I went through the quite extensive process of tracking down documents, I had my application complete and... I waited... and waited some more. This, needless to say, only added to my doubts about being selected. But I just really wasn't getting my hopes up for anything. Finally last month I got a Skype interview which was a first for me. Everything seemed to go pretty well but still, anything could happen I knew, so I went about my life the same way, really not thinking about the TaLK program much.
Now is where my story comes to the point where all that preparatory talk up there ^ seems to be worth something other than rambling.
What I am trying to say with this post is that I got selected for the TaLK program along with 4 other students from UTSA. I feel honored to put things lightly. I really can't express how happy I am.
But what does this mean for my readers?
Well put simply, I am going to Korea at the end of July. This means that those who read this blog because of travel interests will get to see more of that here. Those of you who read this because of photography, you will of course see a lot of that. But those who just enjoy my pretty face (I know there are a lot of you out there...) you will undoubtedly see more videos to come on this blog. The only reason I didn't blog after Japan was because everything up until now was pretty mundane and I don't think people really care to see that. If you do, then you are just weird like me, because I like very mundane blogs/vlogs too.
Maybe we should start a club.
Keep your eyeballs glued here. I'll be making a scene... in Korea!
Cool! :D